Andoversford Primary School

Andoversford Primary School

We ASPIRE to do our best!

Andoversford Primary School, Gloucester Road, Andoversford, Gloucestershire, GL54 4HR

01242 820407





Latest School Calendar Events

Deadline for Applications for House Captain or Deputy Roles16Sep2024

12:00 pm - 12:30 pm

Each year we appoint a House Captain for each of our houses. Applications are completed to show how candidates would fulfil the role and any special qualities they may have which will make them a strong captain. The house team will then review the anonymous applications to select their successful individual. Willow Class have application forms available in the classroom and should return their completed form to Mrs Bradley McKay before 12:00 noon on Monday 16th September. The selection assembly will take place this week.

ASPIRE Day: Second Hand September20Sep2024

8:40 am - 3:10 pm

Today, we will have our first ASPIRE Day of the year. We use ASPIRE Days to focus on issues and events which link closely to our core values. in 2024-25, all events will be linked to respecting our planet and developing sustainability. Our first focus is Second-Hand September on Friday 20th September. During an ASPIRE Day, children work in groups across the different ages instead of being in their usual class. They will take part in several fantastic activities throughout the day to learn more about the benefits of second hand purchasing. How can you help? We need some donations! One of the activities will be creating our own fashion, so we need donations. Do you have any clean, good quality clothing which can be re-purposed? We will be using fabric pens and making alterations to create a super dressing up costume so items will not be returned. Any left over clothing will be donated through our recycling scheme at the end of the day. All children will also need a clean plain item to use for a tie-dye session. It could be an old T-shirt, a pillowcase or even a plain pair of socks. We hope to give the item a new lease of life and it will come back to you - although you may not recognise it! Finally, we will be holding a second hand sale at the end of the day. Please visit the playground to grab some bargain books and DVDs. We would love a few parent helpers to help run the stall - please contact the office if you are available to lend a hand!

Deadline to return medical Information forms for Willow Class residential20Sep2024

12:00 pm - 12:05 pm

Important Info for Willow Class Residential! Please ensure that the medical information form has been completed and returned to school by 12:00 today. The form can be downloaded from the website and returned by email or as a paper copy. If you require a paper copy to be sent home please let us know.

Parent Guide to reading books for Reception parents26Sep2024

2:30 pm - 3:10 pm @ Library followed by visit to Ash Class

Reading decodable books with your child can be a bit daunting when you first start. Mrs Warren and Mrs Jaworski will take you through some key information in this handy session. You can also find out more about reading with your child on the reading page of the school website!

Parent Meetings30Sep2024

3:20 pm - 4:35 pm @ School Hall

A chance to have a chat with your child's class teacher to discuss their progress so far this term. You will be able to use our booking system to make your appointment.

Calendars page(s): School Calendar >>
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