Hot School Meals
Like many schools across the country, we work with Caterlink to provide a hot meal option for pupils. Menus change every term to suit the season and offer fresh ingredients!  During morning registration, children will be asked which of the daily options they would like for their lunch that day.  The menu is available below.  If you would like your child to order something specific each day, please have this conversation with them at home so that they know which option you expect them to choose. ParentPay will be used in the usual way to make payments.
Some parents prefer to send a packed lunch for pupils. Please be mindful that we encourage healthy eating at lunchtime. Chocolate bars, fizzy drinks, sweets and crisps should not be sent into school as part of a packed lunch. For a range of healthy lunchbox ideas why not take a look at the Good Food guidance? Click here for details. The NHS also have lots of advice about packed lunches - follow the link here!
Lunch Choices
Take a look at the menu for Summer Term below! 
Special diets can be catered for. All special diets must be registered with Caterlink before a child can be offered a school meal.  If your child has a special diet/allergy, a completed Allergen & Intolerances Form needs to be submitted together with suitable medical evidence.  Suitable evidence includes an NHS doctors/dietician letter or appointment letter, or a screenshot of appropriate evidence from the NHS app and should correlate with all allergens mentioned on the Allergen & Intolerances form.  Please contact the school office if your child has a food allergy/intolerance so that we can issue a form to you for completion.
Lunch Menu Winter 2024/25
Snacks: We encourage children to have a snack at breaktime to help maintain their energy levels. A piece of fruit or plain biscuit is ideal. All infant children receive a FREE piece of fruit or vegetable every day at snack time. For ideas about healthy snack choices take a look at the Change 4 Life guidance:
Milk: All under 5 children are entitled to free milk at school through a scheme called ‘Cool Milk at School’. To access this scheme, you need to register online at  Whether or not your child likes milk, we suggest enrolling them in the scheme anyway as the role modelling of their peers will often encourage reluctant milk drinkers. When your child becomes 5 years old, they can still have milk but it is not free.
Other Drinks: Your child will have access to drinking water at all times. We will remind them to drink plenty of fluids after exercise and at regular slots throughout the day. 
Free School Meals Online Portal
Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. However, you may be entitled to apply for free school meals. This can save up to £437 per year!
For every child that is entitled to free school meals the school receives extra funding to enhance provision and improve progress and outcomes for children. So please apply even if you do not wish to take up your free school meal.
Parents and Carers can now apply for Free School Meals online.  For more information and to make an application visit Apply for free school meals | Gloucestershire County Council.
If you have any queries, regarding this or the process of applying, please contact the Free School Meals team who will be happy to help. Tel: 01452 425390 or email