Rachel Bradley-McKay
Mrs Bradley McKay is our Headteacher and she also teaches Willow Class on a Friday.
Hayley Armstrong
Mrs Armstrong will often be the first person you meet or speak to at school. She is the face of our busy office, as well as managing the school finances. She works part-time and is in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Roxanne Seymour-Marsh
Admin Assistant
Mrs Seymour Marsh is another friendly face in busy office. She works part-time and is in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Anna Stec
Ash Class TA
Miss Stec works with Ash Class every day to support pupils and deliver interventions.
Miss Stec is also a Midday Supervisor and works in After-School Club.
Annabelle Warren
Mrs Warren works part-time, and spends every day apart from Tuesday with Ash Class.
Rebecca Fisher
Mrs Fisher works part-time and teaches Willow Class ever day apart from Friday.
Nina Jaworski
Mrs Jaworski works part-time, and spends every Tuesday with Ash Class. She also covers PPA and release time for Ash and Oak Class on a Friday.
Rachel Beaton
Forest School Champion
Mrs Beaton is a HLTA, who works in Oak Class in the mornings. She provides PPA cover and release time in all classes during the afternoons. She also delivers support and interventions across the Early Years and Key Stage 1.
Mrs Beaton is also a Midday Supervisor
Chelsea Packer
Miss Packer works full-time in Beech Class.
Phoebe David-Ward
Miss David-Ward works full time in Oak Class.
Paula Bowers
Beech & Willow Class TA
Mrs Bowers works with Beech and Willow Class. She delivers support and interventions across Key Stage 2.
Mrs Bowers is also a Midday Supervisor.
Heather Luckett
Oak & Beech Class TA
Mrs Luckett works with Oak and Beech Class to support pupils and deliver interventions.
Mrs Luckett is also a Midday Supervisor and works in After-School Club.
Rachel Bradley-McKay
Mrs Bradley McKay is our Headteacher and she also teaches Willow Class on a Friday.
Hayley Armstrong
Mrs Armstrong will often be the first person you meet or speak to at school. She is the face of our busy office, as well as managing the school finances. She works part-time and is in the office on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Roxanne Seymour-Marsh
Admin Assistant
Mrs Seymour Marsh is another friendly face in busy office. She works part-time and is in the office on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
Anna Stec
Ash Class TA
Miss Stec works with Ash Class every day to support pupils and deliver interventions.
Miss Stec is also a Midday Supervisor and works in After-School Club.
Annabelle Warren
Mrs Warren works part-time, and spends every day apart from Tuesday with Ash Class.
Rebecca Fisher
Mrs Fisher works part-time and teaches Willow Class ever day apart from Friday.
Nina Jaworski
Mrs Jaworski works part-time, and spends every Tuesday with Ash Class. She also covers PPA and release time for Ash and Oak Class on a Friday.
Rachel Beaton
Forest School Champion
Mrs Beaton is a HLTA, who works in Oak Class in the mornings. She provides PPA cover and release time in all classes during the afternoons. She also delivers support and interventions across the Early Years and Key Stage 1.
Mrs Beaton is also a Midday Supervisor
Chelsea Packer
Miss Packer works full-time in Beech Class.
Phoebe David-Ward
Miss David-Ward works full time in Oak Class.
Paula Bowers
Beech & Willow Class TA
Mrs Bowers works with Beech and Willow Class. She delivers support and interventions across Key Stage 2.
Mrs Bowers is also a Midday Supervisor.
Heather Luckett
Oak & Beech Class TA
Mrs Luckett works with Oak and Beech Class to support pupils and deliver interventions.
Mrs Luckett is also a Midday Supervisor and works in After-School Club.