Andoversford Primary School

Andoversford Primary School

We ASPIRE to do our best!

Andoversford Primary School, Gloucester Road, Andoversford, Gloucestershire, GL54 4HR

01242 820407

Letters & Forms

At Andoversford, we are working hard to ensure that we produce as little waste as possible. This means that we are 'paper-free' wherever possible. We send information by email and you can respond with an email too. If you do need to complete a form, you can send it back electronically to save paper.

Recent Letters 

 Information for Y6 Parents about Key Stage 2 Results 2024.pdfDownload
 Information for Y6 Parents about Key Stage 2 Assessments 2024.pdfDownload
 Information for Y2 parents about optional Key Stage 1 Assessments 2024.pdfDownload
 Information for Y4 Parents about the Multiplication Check 2024.pdfDownload
 Information for Y1 Parents about the Phonics Screening Check 2024.pdfDownload
 RSE letter Willow Class June 2024.pdfDownload
 ASPIRE Reward Trip June 2024.pdfDownload
 RSE letter Beech Class June 2024.pdfDownload
 In the Net 2024.pdfDownload
 Letter from Governors - seeking Partnership Nominations May 2024.pdfDownload
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Administration of Medicines
Medicines should normally be administered at home and only taken into school when absolutely necessary (where it would be detrimental to the child's health, or would greatly impact on a child's school attendance if the medicine were not taken during the school day).  In these circumstances, the school may be able to administer medication during the school day if:
  • the medicines have been prescribed by a medical practitioner
  • the medicines need to be administered in excess of 3 times per day
  • the medicines are in date and in their original container, as dispensed by a pharmacist
  • the medicines have a pharmacy label identifying the child by name and with original instructions for administration, dosage and storage
Please read and complete the Administration of Medicines Agreement for medication to be administered to your child during the school day.
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Medical Conditions and Allergies
 If your child has a medical condition, such as asthma or an allergy, please make sure that you let us know. We can support children with their medical needs by sharing information. You can find the forms here:
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