Andoversford Primary School

Andoversford Primary School

We ASPIRE to do our best!

Andoversford Primary School, Gloucester Road, Andoversford, Gloucestershire, GL54 4HR

01242 820407

Oak Class

Welcome to Oak Class

Oak Class is Year 1 and Year 2
Our teacher is Mrs Fisher and our fabulous teaching assistant is Mrs Beaton.
Keep an eye out for updates on our page throughout the year to see what wonderful things we get up to in Oak Class.

Welcome to the Summer Term! Our topic for this term is : 

Key Documents for Oak Class

 Summer Term 24 Welcome Letter.pdfDownload
 What's going on today list Summer 2024.pdfDownload
 KS1 Homework Menu Summer Term.pdfDownload
 Oak Class Summer Term Knowledge Organiser.pdfDownload
 Example Summer Timetable.pdfDownload
 Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words.pdfDownload
 My Writing in Year 1.pdfDownload
 My Writing in Year 2.pdfDownload
 Grammar Glossary Key Stage 1 .pdfDownload
 Handwriting Guidance .pdfDownload
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PSHE PANTS resources

As part of our PSHE sessions, we have been using the NSPCC PANTS resources. You can access these resources here if you wish to discuss them with your child.

Wildlife Park Trip

We had a fantastic trip to the Wildlife Park and loved seeing all the safari animals!

Marvellous Maps!

We've made a really good start to our geography unit looking at maps. We created some amazing 3D maps of Andoversford and we've also been learning about compass points. We used this game to practise - here is the link if you want to play at home!

Welcome to the Spring Term. Our topic this term is Reach for the Moon!

Collins E-Book Access

As part of the Little Wandle Phonics Programme, the children have access to a banded e-book which they read 3 times a week in school as part of our reading group sessions. These books are also to be shared and explored at home at least 3 times a week. 

Please see the below Parent Guide which may answer any questions you have.        

 Parent Guide _ Collins E-Book.pdfDownload
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Welcome to the Autumn Term. Our topic is SEASONS!

Below, you can find lots of important information about how things work in Oak Class:

Fantastic Firework Salads!

This week in Oak Class we learnt about the 'Bridge' and 'Claw' methods for slicing food with a knife. We used our new skills to create a delicious and healthy Firework Salad! The children had some great discussions about how to ensure our workspaces were safe and hygienic including washing our hands, cleaning our tables and being patient with others. I am sure you will agree that they should be very proud of their creations. 

Marvellous Home Learning...

Every Friday in Oak Class, we share tasks we have completed from our Homework Menu during our 'Show and Tell' session. These are some of the wonderful pieces that have been shared so far. It is a pleasure to hear the children explaining their creations to their peers and celebrating their efforts with each other.

9th September 2023

Year 1 Phonics Meeting

Many thanks to those parents who attended our Year 1 Phonics meeting after school today.

As discussed, here is the link to the Little Wandle Parents Area. Please explore these resources and if you have any questions, just ask!

For parents | Letters and Sounds (

6th September 2023

Creating our own rain gauges!

We have been enjoying our exploration of the different Seasons, finding out more about the different types of weather patterns we might see. Today, we read the story of the Korean Crown Prince Munjong who was supposedly the first to measure rain using a standardized container. Following this, we created our own rain gauges using a recycled bottle. Now we will keep our eyes on the weather forecast to see how much rain we might collect!

Highlights from Oak Class in 2022-23

Summer Term 2022-23

Our Topic this term is...London's Burning!

In this topic, we will be learning all about The Great Fire of London in 1666. To find out more about what we will be covering in the various curriculum areas this term, have a browse through our 'knowledge organiser' below. 


In English, we were inspired by the story ‘A Walk in London’ and went for our own walk around Andoversford. When we returned from our walk, we created a map and wrote a recount of our journey. 

Topic Homework

We created some brilliant pieces of topic homework linked to our ‘London’s Burning’ topic. 

Multi-Skills 7.7.23 

We had a fabulous morning being active during our Multi-Skills session. We loved working in teams, experimenting with movement and developing our ball skills. 

History - Daily Tudor Life 

In History, we have been learning about what life was like in Tudor times. We were very shocked by some of the information we found out! 

Sports Day 2023

Art: Drawing and Oil Pastel Techniques 

In Art, we learned about different oil pastel techniques and used these to create butterfly life cycles inspired by Eric Carle. We created large sheets of patterned paper just like Eric Carle which we then cut out and layered to create the different stages of the life cycle.

PE: Cricket

We have been loving our cricket lessons so far with our experienced cricket coach. We have been playing lots of games to help improve our throwing, catching and batting skills. 

Design and Technology: Textiles 

In DT, we designed and created our own Bog Baby finger puppets. We learned about four different ways to join fabrics together: glueing, stapling, pinning and running stitch. Don’t they look fantastic! 

Spring Term 2022-23

Our Topic this term is...Habitats!

We will be learning all about different habitats all around the world, as well as life cycles of different creatures.

30.3.23 Creating our own non-fiction class book 

We loved researching information about emperor penguins using the iPads yesterday. Today, we used this information to write about a single topic each (habitat, diet, appearance or lifecycle) and put them together to make our own class non-fiction text. 

Topic Homework Showcase 27.3.23

This term, the children created some fantastic, creative pieces of topic homework. They found it very difficult to choose their favourite! 

First Aid Workshop 16.3.23

Today, we took part in a First Aid workshop where we learned about emergencies and non-emergencies, what to do if we have a nose-bleed and the recovery position.  

World Book Day 3.3.23

For World Book Day, we looked at the author Abi Elphinstone and focused on her brilliant picture book- The Frost Goblin. We created our own book reviews and were very inspired by the beautiful illustrations. We also had lots of great character spoon competition entries! Can you guess which books inspired them? 

Week Beginning 6.2.23

This week in English we have written some fantastic non-chronological reports about bees and instructions for how to make a moth feeder. Both of these writing tasks have been linked to our Power of Reading texts- ‘The Bee who spoke’ by Al MacCuish and ‘Moth: An Evolution Story’ by Isabel Thomas. 


In January, we have been fortunate enough to have a gym coach working with us on our gymnastic skills. We have loved making different shapes and holding balances on various pieces of equipment. 

Art Week - Week beginning 2.1.23 

In Oak Class, we explored colour mixing, painting with different tools and the work of Oliver Jeffers. We are really looking forward to sharing our final piece at our Art Gallery next week! Watch this space...

Autumn Term 2022-23

Our Topic this term is...Wild Creatures! 

We will be learning about the reign of the dinosaurs which started over 250 million years ago!

Our Class Wheel of Choice

Wheels of Choice are a really useful tool to help us when we’re dealing with a range of emotions. Examples of our chosen strategies include:  taking gentle sips of water, reading a book, using a breathing technique and having some fresh air. 

Phonics Game - Find Fred

Watch the video below to find out how to play this fun phonics game.

6.12.22 Topic Homework Showcase 

2.12.22 Christmas Candle Making 

3.11.22 Class Trip to Birdland

28.9.22 History 

In History, we learned about four different dinosaurs- the Tyrannosaurus Rex, Diplodocus, Triceratops and Stegosaurus. We looked at the characteristics of the different dinosaurs and learned some incredible facts. Did you know that a Diplodocus’ tail was nearly 20 meters long?

Week Beginning 12.9.22 Art: Printing 

In Art, we have been learning about printing. We created relief prints using potatoes and cardboard and string, and negative prints by carving into foam boards. Our final piece involved selecting our most effective printing tool and printing dinosaur scales onto an outline.

Week Beginning 12.9.22 English: Free-Verse Poems

In English, we worked together to create our own free-verse poems about the setting of our new English text- 'Wild' by Emily Hughes. 

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