Andoversford Primary School

Andoversford Primary School

We ASPIRE to do our best!

Andoversford Primary School, Gloucester Road, Andoversford, Gloucestershire, GL54 4HR

01242 820407


  1. News
  2. School News
  3. Action Required: Covid-19 Update

Action Required: Covid-19 Update

20 January 2022 (by Rachel Bradley McKay (Head))

Further to the information and letter shared this morning, we have had a few additional positive cases reported to school this afternoon. 

In school, we are mitigating risks as much as possible by reducing contact between classes, keeping spaces well-ventilated, employing good hygiene practice and adults are wearing face coverings. 

At home, please be vigilant for any signs and symptoms of illness. Children who are unwell should not attend school. We have noticed that some early warning signs which have ended up with positive results are tiredness (fatigue) and general cold-like symptoms. Keep an eye out for these. Remember, PCR tests should also be organised if your child has a fever, cough or change to their sense of taste or smell.

As we now have multiple confirmed cases, in all key stages, it would be advisable for all children to complete LFD testing every day for 7 days, before coming into school. This is because all children are likely to be considered a close contact. We are sending this advice to you now, as it can take a few days to come through from Test and Trace. Please contact us as soon as possible if your child's LFD returns a positive result.

Thank you for your support to help stop the virus from spreading further.

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