Andoversford Primary School

Andoversford Primary School

We ASPIRE to do our best!

Andoversford Primary School, Gloucester Road, Andoversford, Gloucestershire, GL54 4HR

01242 820407


  1. News
  2. What's for lunch?

What's for lunch?

7 October 2022 (by Hayley Armstrong (admin))

There have been several occasions recently where school meals have been ordered but the children have brought a packed lunch with them to eat at lunchtime instead.


As you know, food orders are placed with the kitchen on a Monday for the full week so it is not possible to make changes to your submitted order on a daily basis.  A minimum of one week’s notice is required to amend meal choices.


If a meal is ordered but not taken, you will still be charged if it has not been cancelled with at least one week’s notice.  If your child qualifies for Free School Meals or is entitled to Universal Infant Free School Meals (YR, Y1 and Y2), the school is still charged.  In the current climate, we cannot afford any unnecessary costs.


If you have ordered a meal and later decide that your child will be bringing a packed lunch, please cancel your order via ParentPay and let the school office know.  This will enable us to contact Caterlink and update the amount of meals required each day and reduce the amount of food that is currently being wasted.


Thank you.

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